TIME DESCRIPTION of economic reforms


Journal is an international economic research publication of that review, the basis of which laid the publication of scientific articles for the purpose of distribution to scholars both in Ukraine and abroad.


The mission of the journal is to provide members of the scientific community equal opportunity to publish the results of their research and their free distribution.


Editorial supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative (Budapest Open Access Initiative), aimed at free and free dissemination of scientific knowledge, which facilitates the rapid development of science.


The main objective is to implement editorial policy objectives of the magazine, the main areas which are:

- coverage of issues related to the regulation of the economy at the macro, meso and micro levels, forecasting social and economic processes in the society;

- to promote economic sciences direction;

- support for young scientists.


The editorial policy of the journal based on the following principles:

- objectivity and impartiality in the selection of articles for their publication;

- high demands on the quality of scientific research;

- double "blind" review articles;

- collegiality in making decisions on the publication of articles;

- the availability and efficiency in dealing with authors;

- strict compliance with copyright and related rights;

- strict adherence to schedule the release of the magazine.


Editorial conducts systematic work on the inclusion in the international journal electronic library catalogs and scientometric framework for entering into international scientific information space, increase rating of the citation index and its authors.


The editorial staff strongly condemned manifestations of plagiarism in articles as copyright infringement and scientific ethics and takes all possible measures to prevent it.


The editorial board hopes that its work will contribute to the development of national economics.